Will NFT Buyers own my copyright?

Nope - you retain all rights and ownership of your track! NFT purchasers are simply attaining a digital receipt of the URL to your SoundCloud track. The NFT ownership does not grant any legal rights to the buyer of your content.

In other words, NFT buyers will simply own a digital receipt stating they purchased the URL to your track, e.g. https://soundcloud.com/your-name-here/your-track.

StarLiner NFTs are a great way for:

All while enabling Creators to retain their rights!

Where will my NFT be viewable?

It will be viewable on Rarible.com, one of the top NFT marketplaces. A link to your NFT will be viewable on your SoundCloud track as well so fans can easily click through and purchase!

Is creating an NFT free?

YES - With StarLiner creating an NFT is 100% FREE! We’re able to do this via a process called “lazy minting”.

What are the fees if my NFT sells?

Creating an NFT with StarLiner is 100% free.

When your NFT sells (or resells) StarLiner and the marketplace where your NFT is hosted takes a fee. Below’s a breakdown of how it works:

Therefore leaving you the Creator with 89% of the sale. Click here for more details on how royalties work on Rarible.

How Will I receive Payment

When your NFT is purchased StarLiner will contact you to confirm how you would like to receive payment. StarLiner currently supports sending payments via Crypto (Ethereum) or Cash App.

There are no minimums for you to receive payment.